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The social media for our ICCAT 2021 campaign was underpinned by the tagline “Make or break for Mako.” This RFMO campaign is unique in its focus on a non-tuna species, but observes the impact that tuna fishing has on this endangered shark. The GTA’s campaign therefore emphasised raising the visibility of the issue of mako by-catch and the urgency needed to stop retentions of mako sharks on board tuna fishing vessels.
Supporting messages about adopting management strategies for tuna stocks were also created.
#ICCAT is holding an intersessional meeting in July to consider conservation measures for North Atlantic shortfin mako. We are very pleased to see the proposal from Canada, Gabon, Sierra Leone, UK & Senegal calling for prohibition of retentions.
— GlobalTuna (@GlobalTuna) May 20, 2021
The International Commission of Atlantic Tuna Panel 4 is happening now. As a matter of urgency, we call on the #ICCAT to;
— GlobalTuna (@GlobalTuna) July 8, 2021
- Immediately ban all retention of Atlantic shortfin mako sharks, and;
- Ensure specific scientific advice for minimizing incidental mortality #MakeTime4Makos
What you DON'T do, can be a destructive force. Inaction leads to over fishing. #Atlantic tuna fisheries need stocks to be healthy & well-managed, but some stocks are at risk if #ICCAT doesn’t act this year & support a management strategy evaluation for all tuna stocks.
— GlobalTuna (@GlobalTuna) July 9, 2021
Why are our partners concerned about shark conservation? The sustainability of any fishery must consider impacts on the wider ecosystem. Shortfin #mako shark stocks are already so low, that any catch is too much. #ICCAT must heed scientific advice now & #MakeTimeForMakos.
— GlobalTuna (@GlobalTuna) July 13, 2021
Following last week's #ICCAT meeting, the EU & US have again - despite scientific advice - prioritised short-term economic gain at the cost of endangered shortfin #MakoSharks. As deliberations continue, the species declines. Read the PR: #SharkAwarenessDay
— GlobalTuna (@GlobalTuna) July 14, 2021
Even if fishing is cut to zero the recovery of the North Atlantic shortfin mako stock will likely take ~25 years.
— GlobalTuna (@GlobalTuna) July 15, 2021
It will take ~25 years for North Atlantic #mako #shark stocks to rebuild & recover even IF fishing is cut to zero. No more delays. #ICCAT must act now & agree on conservation management measures for makos caught incidentally in #Atlantic #tuna #fisheries. #MakeOrBreak4Makos
— GlobalTuna (@GlobalTuna) July 16, 2021
Shortfin #mako #sharks are in peril! Current management of shortfin makos in the North #Atlantic by #tuna fisheries is insufficient to recover the population. #ICCAT must act now & immediately ban all retention of shortfin makos. No exceptions! #makeorbreak4makos
— GlobalTuna (@GlobalTuna) September 9, 2021
#ICCAT running out of time. The shortfin #mako #shark population won't survive at the current mortality rate. ICCAT mgrs. must remove commercial incentives from mako bycatch & immediately ban retention of all shortfin makos.#makeorbreakformakos
— GlobalTuna (@GlobalTuna) September 10, 2021
Showing willingness is not enough. Action is what defines an organisation. Is #ICCAT all talk or will delegates heed scientific advice & implement an effective rebuilding plan for shortfin #mako #sharks? The proof will be in the pudding (rather, in Panel 4 of ICCAT on 27th Oct).
— GlobalTuna (@GlobalTuna) October 20, 2021
This is a critical moment for #Atlantic shortfin #mako #sharks. #ICCAT - if you fail to act now, it will be too late to say sorry. Instead of apologising, immediately ban all retention & implement the scientific advice for minimising incidental mortality. #MakeOrBreak4Makos
— GlobalTuna (@GlobalTuna) October 21, 2021
You can't justify a poorly made decision & you can't ignore scientific evidence that is right in front of you. The chances of rebuilding #Atlantic shortfin mako #shark stocks are decreasing. ICCAT, it will only be too late if you fail to act now. Do the right thing.
— GlobalTuna (@GlobalTuna) October 22, 2021
Positive news emerging from #ICCAT: measures agreed establish that CPCs shall implement a prohibition on retaining on board, transshipping, and landing, whole or in part, North Atlantic shortfin mako in 2022/23 as a first step in rebuilding the stock.
— GlobalTuna (@GlobalTuna) November 23, 2021
Full reaction coming soon…
The GTA Welcomes the Positive Outcomes from the 27th ICCAT Meeting (they did commit!)
— GlobalTuna (@GlobalTuna) November 24, 2021