The social media for our ICCAT 2023 campaign was centred around the tagline “Make a Plan to Last” to highlight the importance of developing a long-term plan for Tropical Tuna Conservation Measures. The visuals used relatable everyday scenarios to demonstrate the consequences of insufficient planning.
The campaign also contained supporting messages around Observer Coverage and implications for exceeding the Total Allowable Catch.
Next month, #ICCAT delegates will gather in Cairo to discuss the management of tuna stocks in the Atlantic & Mediterranean.
— GlobalTuna (@GlobalTuna) October 10, 2023
Check back both here & on LinkedIn over the coming weeks to see what outcomes the market are seeking...
Our Partners want to source responsibly caught tuna from the Atlantic, which you can’t have without a transparent fishing industry.
— GlobalTuna (@GlobalTuna) October 27, 2023
And you can’t have a transparent industry until there’s 100% observer coverage onboard all commercial tuna fishing vessels. #ICCAT
It's time #ICCAT stops rolling over interim plans & adopts a long-term multi-annual programme for rebuilding Atlantic bigeye & maintaining yellowfin stocks.
— GlobalTuna (@GlobalTuna) October 30, 2023
This would give the market the long-term confidence it needs to commit to sourcing from the area.
The overfishing of Atlantic bigeye tuna is an unacceptable state of affairs.#ICCAT must show their commitment to the fisheries and consumers that rely on this species by agreeing to multi-annual catch allocations that secure the future of this stock. #MakeAPlanToLast
— GlobalTuna (@GlobalTuna) November 2, 2023
Not planning ahead can lead to stressful situations. However, for the tropical tuna stocks in the Atlantic, the lack of a long-term conservation plan could have catastrophic consequences. #ICCAT #MakeAPlanToLast
— GlobalTuna (@GlobalTuna) November 6, 2023
When a stock's status is unknown, precaution is necessary. Failing to adopt adequate management measures now puts the future of this stock at risk. <a
Recycling is good, but it can take a lot of energy. It would take #ICCAT delegates a lot less energy to adopt a long-term, multi-annual tropical tuna conservation plan, instead of coming together every year to agree to rollover an interim one.#MakeAPlanToLast
— GlobalTuna (@GlobalTuna) November 7, 2023
Going against rules comes with repercussions. However, consequences are not always enforced when failing to abide by total allowable catch allocations.
— GlobalTuna (@GlobalTuna) November 8, 2023
That's why #ICCAT must establish & implement protocols to detect and sanction individuals exceeding the limit.
Recycling isn't always the best solution for a sustainable future.
— GlobalTuna (@GlobalTuna) November 9, 2023
Ahead of next week's #ICCAT meeting, the GTA are reiterating their call for long-term multi-annual conservation measures for Atlantic tunas.
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