The social media for our WCPFC 2023 campaign was underpinned by the tagline “Keep the faith. Secure a future for fortuna.”
The race is on to progress harvest strategies in the #WCPO after the adoption of one for skipjack - a #WCPFC first! (although presently non-binding).
— GlobalTuna (@GlobalTuna) November 20, 2023
Will WCPFC go the full distance to prevent these stocks falling “out of the green”? #KeepTheFaith
Last year, #WCPFC made significant progress in passing its first-ever harvest strategy for skipjack tuna. This year, we’re asking that #WCPFC accelerate harvest strategies across the board, to ensure stocks don’t “fall out of the green”.
— GlobalTuna (@GlobalTuna) November 21, 2023
Read more 👉
Fortuna has consulted the mystical market forces & is here to deliver prophecies towards harvest strategies for Western-Central Pacific tuna stocks, ensuring good fortune for generations to come! #SecureAFutureForTuna
— GlobalTuna (@GlobalTuna) November 23, 2023
Check back to see Fortuna’s prophecies!
Target Reference Points use data on a stock’s biomass to help establish a level of fishing pressure resulting in a desirable harvest for the stock's health.
— GlobalTuna (@GlobalTuna) November 24, 2023
Yellowfin isn’t overfished in the #WCPO but delays to setting TRPs means we are falling behind on a harvest strategy.
The failure to adopt Target Reference Points for bigeye is holding up the development of a full management procedure.
— GlobalTuna (@GlobalTuna) November 27, 2023
It's lagging behind other stocks in the #WCPO like skipjack & SP albacore. The longer it takes to adopt TRPs, the longer bigeye is left exposed to overfishing.
Bigeye & yellowfin stocks are behind other #WCPO stocks in the development of harvest strategies.
— GlobalTuna (@GlobalTuna) November 28, 2023
We cannot leave the health of these stocks to chance. The market is urgently seeking a conservation measure to deliver greater certainty in sourcing sustainable tuna from the area.
A meeting of the Northern Committee in July paved the way for the adoption of a management procedure (MP) for NP albacore with HCRs.
— GlobalTuna (@GlobalTuna) November 29, 2023
If #WCPFC adopts this MP, we will have the first-ever Pacific-wide harvest strategy. The market is urging #WCPFC to push this over the line!
The GTA is urging #WCPFC to adopt a CMM for an electronic monitoring programme.
— GlobalTuna (@GlobalTuna) November 29, 2023
It’s an essential step to creating a level playing field for fishing fleets, allowing us to clamp down on illegal fishing, helping to protect the health of tuna stocks and the welfare of crew.
South Pacific albacore is a shared stock between #WCPFC & #IATTC.
— GlobalTuna (@GlobalTuna) November 30, 2023
The market is looking for a joined up approach from both RFMOs to ensure that any management measure for the stock is truly effective. #SecureAFutureFortuna
Fishing is one of the most dangerous jobs in the world. Isolated from societal institutions, the industry is also exposed to human rights abuse such as forced labour practices.
— GlobalTuna (@GlobalTuna) November 30, 2023
Fishers need legal protections to carry out their professions safely, with their rights protected.
The adoption of a harvest strategy for skipjack at last year’s #WCPFC meeting was historic.
— GlobalTuna (@GlobalTuna) December 1, 2023
But the failure to make the management procedure (MP) binding dents its impact significantly. #WCPFC must show it’s serious about protecting skipjack by setting the MP in stone.